1. Unlimited Photos during rental. Take as many as you can—we dare you!

2. Premium, commercial quality photos that print in seconds (Instant gratification rules!).

3. We provide a master digital file of all photos for you, and a web gallery for your guests after the event (Delayed gratification is pretty cool, too).

4. Your choice of either a 4×6 postcard-size print or a 2×6 photo strip (complimentary 2nd copy with 2×6 option) with customizable text & graphics to personalize the photo booth experience.

5. Stunning Color or Black & White photos, your guests choose. Why not one (or several) of each?

6. You can choose from the many different backdrops we own (but if you want boring, wrinkled curtains instead, I’m sure we can find some). Custom backdrop options also available.

7. Fun props to enhance the enjoyment. What says “fun” better than a pair of jumbo sunglasses?

8. Big and open. Enough room for large groups and creative possibilities.

9. Simple to use. These booths literally run themselves. Your guests will have no problem hopping in and figuring it out.

10. An on-site attendant, just in case they can’t. We’re there for your peace of mind and to add to the smiles.